Thursday, March 31, 2011

Enjoying his first school summer vacation

Its summer vacation now for my son. An excuse for sleeping late, waking up late,
more time for his toys and frequent watching of his favorite cartoons and
characters. No clock alarming @6AM, no 30 minutes time to eat breakfast, take
a bath and dress-up and no school service to fetch him @6:30AM.

Whewww!!! What a quite relief for me also by at least waking up a little late and
no pressure in reviewing my son.

But because he is deprived of going out 5 days in a week, he is always looking
forward to learning and fun-filled activities every weekend.

So even before his school vacation came, we already planned some activities and
get-aways for him to fully enjoy his first ever school summer vacation:
1. Weekdays schedule for reading, writing and learning addition and subtraction.
2. Every other week visit to his library - The Fully Booked.
3. A time for watching his favorite cartoons and characters.
4. Moderate eating of in-season fruits. He loves to eat papaya and mangoes. But
    since there was a time that his sugar test was high, I have to limit him from
5. After the ACE Water SPA, maybe 2 more swimming getaway. He is beginning
    to enjoy swimming.
6. An Enchanted Kingdom treat. I want him to try the ferris wheel.
7. Since one weakness of my son is on self-expression, maybe due to his
    shyness, we will enroll him in Speech as his summer class this May.
8. Play time bonding with his cousins. 
9. A weekend schedule for online games at his lolo's house.
10. Hopefully, we can visit Everland this April.

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