Thursday, May 26, 2011

A birthday party bash for my big boy

Exactly 2 Saturdays from now will be the 5th birthday of my son and The Family
is very excited for this special event. 

After throwing birthday parties for his 1st and 2nd birthdays, we decided to treat
him one for his 5th. Aside from he can now appreciate and enjoy parties with
other kids,  we believe that we owe him one for his great accomplishments both
on his studies and as a growing up kid last year. What a milestone to celebrate!
Also, time and again, he enjoys watching his 2 birthday party videos which is a
way of telling me that he really wants a party.

Since it was decided by The Family last year, we started to save few bucks on
our coin bank every week for the expenses. Luckily, aside from the savings,
the pledges from his titos and titas will just fill-up the gaps.

So last week, we booked a Jollibee party with Transformers as the theme.
Lucky us, because my son loves the Transformers for he keeps a collection
of them - robots and books.

We availed the complete package since my hectic schedule @work hampers
me to personally prepare every detail. They have the 3-step to prepare for your party.

Step 1 - Choose your food package or you can customize if you like.

Step 2 - Select your party favors (from baloons, to give aways, to party hats and mats).

Step 3 -  Choose your lootbags(regular, special and premium), and your party
themed cake from Red Ribbon and comes in different sizes and flavors to choose from.

Surely,  what will surprise my son aside from the theme is the  Jollitown
characters(Popo, Yum, Twirlie and Hetty) who will grace and join the fun.
I hope he will come out from his shyness and show his dance with the
Jollitown as what he loves doing at home, watching and dancing the

Maybe, I will just prepare additional lootbags and prizes in case there will be more
kids attending than expected.

I love the invitation design.

The Jollibee branch that we got is wider and quite cool than West Ave branch
where we had his last party.  And it is more accessible and convenient to most
of our visitors. 

A photo booth courtesy of my sister as her gift to my son will also be available.

For our visitors, we cannot accommodate everybody so we just selected our
close friends aside from family and relatives.  For those that we will not able
to invite, I hope they would understand. 

So cheers to the birthday boy who will be turning 5 this June 12 with a party

To my son, I hope that you'll have the chance to read this when you grow up
and realize more how Mama and Papa love you very much.

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