Friday, August 12, 2011

Kumon Chronicles of my son - moving up to Reading 4A level

My son just completed the 5A level in Reading in two weeks and will now be in
4A level.

Although, he always tell me that he already knew the lessons in 5A on his
Kinder 1 class, he never missed any worksheet unanswered. He also enjoyed the
story reading time in the center after answering the assigned worksheets to him.
Even at home, he is prompt in doing his take home worksheets.  And every time,
he comes home with an Excellent stamp, he is very proud of his small

As what I observed after his two weeks  session, he has improved his mastery
of words.  He improved a lot in oral spelling not only on three-letter words but
also on 5 to 6 letter words (white, school, night, window, door, table, child, sight
and etc.)

For his 4A level, he is expected to continue developing pre-reading skills by
saying words with consonant blends, consonant digraphs, consonant-controlled
vowels, and long vowels produced by the silent e.

Well for now, it is working with my son. He doesn't get bored and I hope he
will not.  Since I cannot get him to studying his lessons when we are together
and all he wanted is to play with me, I'll take advantage of this Kumon way.

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